
Using the previous vocabulary from the text (religion, popular, uncomfortable, forget, experience, truth, sport, belief) discuss the  EQ  with your group. Explain your opinion and support your ides with evidence from your own knowledge, experience, and/or observations.

What makes us the same?

Using the previous vocabulary from the text (instead, decide, safe, meal, enough, hungry, crowded, village) discuss the  EQ  with your group.Explain your opinion and support your ides with evidence from your own knowledge, experience, and/or observations.

Do people need to go the school to gain wisdom?

Using the previous vocabulary from the text discuss the  EQ  with your group.Explain your opinion and support your ides with evidence from your own knowledge, experience, and/or observations.

Do you think people can learn to be wise?

Using the vocabulary from the text (touch, tough, rest, understand, explain, harm, fight) discuss the  EQ  with your group.Explain your opinion and support your ides with evidence from your own knowledge, experience, and/or observations.

What Makes Us Wise?

Using the vocabulary from the text (angry, difficult, lonely, problem, selfish, share, simple, solution) discuss the  EQ  with your group.Explain your opinion and support your ides with evidence from your own knowledge, experience, and/or observations.

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