What Makes Us Wise?

Using the vocabulary from the text (angry, difficult, lonely, problem, selfish, share, simple, solution) discuss the EQ with your group.Explain your opinion and support your ides with evidence from your own knowledge, experience, and/or observations.


  1. Problem makes us wise. Our friend gives us advice whenever we have a problem. And every advice give us a solution in the difficult. It’s simple to be wise when your listening. Being selfish don’t makes us wise but share makes us wise. And sometimes we have to be lonely to think.

  2. one can be wise putting his in pause to study if you have doubts of something try to look for the answer always get the doubts of your minds and always try to know every thing of the world one can be wise also assigned the correct things putting practice to your needs

  3. What makes us wise?
    Wisdom is one of those difficult concepts.To be wise we have to be helpful. We shall not be selfish, because this is bad thing. Don’t get angry at each other. We have to share every thing with each other. Big problem we consult to find the right solution. The simple solutions are the most widely used solutions in life. We have to give each other advice to don’t stay lonely.
    Helmy Alkaifi

  4. What makes us wise?
    what makes us wise is to solve our problems, not being selfish and sharing with friends, not being lonely, not being very angry.
    everything is simple or difficult has a solution.

  5. What makes us wise?
    Any problem we have difficult, we do not feel lonely to find a simple solution to be able to fix the affected and not be angry for what we do wrong, not be selfish and share when you can to make everything go well.

  6. What make us wise?
    Be wise is very simple, respect people and helpful. be nice to the people, don't be angry for anything. Sometimes you have to share with the person that you see who need because being selfish is not good, one day you can need help too. Sometimes, some people feel lonely because, in their problem they don't have anybody to help find a solution, even that is difficult try to help them in their own problem and make them laughing if it is necessary.

  7. To be wise we need ask when have a problem. Do not feel angry or selfish because if you are like that you never will be wise. Share your opinions with other, do not feel lonely.

  8. What make us wise? Any problem we have difficult we do no t feel lonely to find a simple solution to be able to fix the affected and not be angry sometimes you have to share with the person that you see

  9. What makes us wise?
    The experiences make us wise. When we have a problem we don’t have to get angry, just because the first attempt seems difficult, on the contrary, we have to think about the best way to arrive at a simple solution. Advising your friends is one of the best ways to not be alone. Being selfish people will not make us wiser. We have to help and share things with the people who need it.
    Karla Moreno.


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